Thursday, 16 July 2015


Les and I continue to enjoy our new life. We recently took a week out, to return to Kippford near Dumfries, where we used to holiday when the children were young. Weather wasn't good, but it was restful and it was nice to have Jude with us for half the week. The caravan park promised sightings of red squirrels, but we were disappointed not to see any. But Les did often see nuthatches - her favourite bird - on the feeders at the next door caravan.

We went for a walk one day to Threave Gardens, where it's possible to view some nesting ospreys. An amazing sight. And what was particularly remarkable was their habit of migrating to and from Africa every year, returning to the same spot to nest. This particular male had returned for the past 4 years, and the ring on his leg revealed that he was born himself in Wales. How do they manage to navigate over so many thousands of miles each year, to the same spot? The hen has also returned several times: ospreys apparently mate for life.

Bird life round here is good. My current favourite is the song thrush, of which I have seen several. They have a variety of sounds - so many that sometimes you don't realise what you are listening to. One day I came home, and a thrush was on the chimney singing his heart out for several minutes. A beautiful sound.

I hope we shall soon have some resident birds: chickens! I have done a lot of research on keeping poultry and I think the time has come to take the plunge. Apparently, they make excellent pets, being very friendly and responsive. Some breeds are capable of laying up to 260 eggs per year, which is prolific: I love the idea of plentiful fresh eggs for eating and baking with. We'll get 3 hens I think. Plenty of eggs to give away too, at local events, or when visitors come to stay. The only problem is what to do when they get old or past laying. I really don't think I could bring myself to slaughter and eat one of my own chickens! I'll worry about that one when the time comes, I think. Watch this space.

Parish life is good. Beginning to think strategically now, in preparation for an Away Day in September and a parish weekend in November. Relations are good all round, and the issues becoming clearer. There is a major diocesan emphasis on 'discipleship' and we are exploring that further ourselves.

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