Friday, 3 May 2013


Up very early tomorrow morning: taking my daughter Jude to (near) Lancaster for her charity skydive. She is raising money for 'After Adoption' - the charity for which she works.

She has already been promised nearly £700: wouldn't it be great if we could make it £1000 by the time she launches herself out of that plane?!

Lesley is not coming, partly because of work commitments and partly because she thinks she will be too nervous to watch! I will go equipped with camera, and Jude hopes that the whole experience will be recorded on video. No doubt it will appear on Facebook afterwards.

We are all very proud of our Jude. This is a first for the Butland family - the nearest I got being an abseil down the church tower at St George's, Everton 23 years ago!  She has always wanted to do a parachute jump but it was only when she saw the opportunity of doing it for charity that she decided to have a go. She is passionate about adoption, reading and hearing about so many people whose lives have been changed - even rescued - by the kindness of adoptive parents and families. We also have personal experience, as a family, of an adoptive child, and realise what a difference this has made to a young life. Another factor in Jude's big adventure tomorrow.

Adoption is at the heart of Christian faith, believing that through Jesus Christ we are adopted children of our heavenly Father. The great thing about being adopted is knowing you've been chosen!

Go Jude!

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