Monday, 24 December 2012

Creation echoes praise!

The last two nights, there has been an insomniac robin (well, I think it's a robin) - singing away on and off from about 2a.m. till dawn. I like to think the birds are praising the Lord when they sing. It's good to listen to the sounds of creation, especially at this time of year when the air is so full of excitement and hubbub. A friend of mine has just written, 'Creation speaks of presence, of being, of simplicity.'

The coming of Christ was a cosmic event as well as a very human one. Angelic messengers announced his arrival; the heavens were ruptured to reveal the angelic choir; a star was suspended over the baby's resting place. As I prayed this morning (words from Common Worship Daily Prayer), 'tune the song of our hearts to the music of creation.' Amen to that.

Happy, peaceful Christmas to all.

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